How to order?

On this page we will give a short explanation of how our shopping cart system works.


 Right next to the price of each item, you will find an "Add to shopping cart" button:

Click this button to add the item to your basket.



A dialog window will now appear:

Click "Add to basket" if you are sure that this is the item that you wish to purchase.



After you have added the item, a bar will appear at the top of the page:

The bar indicates how many items are in your basket and the total price.
You can now add other products in the same manner or proceed to the check-out to finalize your purchase.
To go to the check-out simply click "Go to check-out", indicated by the red arrow in the image above.



After you have gone to the check-out, you will need to indicate your country, state and preferred method of shipping:

Please note that at this moment, we still offer free shipping on all our items but that the free shipping does NOT include any possibility to track & trace your shipment, nor does it offer insurance in case the shipment goes lost or gets damaged.
If you desire both track&trace and insurance, please select the "Insured Shipping" option (@ 32,50 US$).



After this, please tick the box that you accept our terms of sale (you can read them by clicking on the blue link) and proceed to the secure check-out:



At the secure check-out, you can select your preferred method of payment (Visa, Mastercard, American Express or Paypal).

Please fill in all required data (no spaces in the credit card number please!) and please don't forget the "Card Verification number":
For American Express: The 4-digit number printed on the front of your card
For Visa and Mastercard: The last 3 digits of the number that is printed on the back of your card.

After you have filled in all required data, you can click the green button at the bottom of the screen to review if everything is correct and if it is, you can send your order off to us after which we will process it.

That's all there is to it!

We wish you happy shopping at !
